Sunday, 15 November 2015

Writing an Outline - 5 Signs of a Good Paper Outline

Writing an outline can seem rudimentary but it is very important first step in the writing process. Outlining can lead to more effective writing and thus more convincing papers.
Here are 5 signs of a good outline.
1. Looks like a Table of Contents:
Writing an outline is all about jotting down ideas and organizing them. It should function as a guide to the paper - much like the Table of Contents to a book. If you can't follow the direction of the paper via the outline - then something's missing.
2. Hierarchical:
Part of organizing your paper is grouping and nesting appropriate ideas together into bigger ideas. Your overall idea should have points and those points should have subpoints to substantiate them. Think of it as building a pyramid. For the idea the top to be stable, you need good support on the bottom.
3. Balanced:
Papers should be weighted too much in one section vs. another. Outlines shouldn't be either or your paper will reflect accordingly. The great thing about outlines is that you can quickly spot what areas need a little more work. Don't be afraid to add in where necessary or take out where necessary.
4. Sparse:
Yes, your outline shouldn't be dense. If it's dense, you've spent too much time thinking about the details. Outlines are about big ideas and big points. Save the details for later.
5. Transitions:
Lastly, one of the main goals of writing an outline is to make something that can guide the writing process. For your paper to flow smoothly, transitions between points need to be natural.
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